If you are a pet owner, you understand. Pets have mishaps. Sometimes you don’t see it happen, which means you can’t tend to it right away. So what do you do? Get rid of Fido? Nooooo way… Get rid of the rug? Wrong again. This article will help you manage your pets accidents, minimize damage to the rug, and your pets self-esteem (we’ve all seen the sad dogs on TV, and they look.. sad).
Why do dogs pee in the house?
Why do cats pee in the house (or more specific, why anywhere other than their litter)?
What can be done about pee on your rug?
From here you have a few options, do nothing, clean it yourself, hire a professional rug cleaner. NOT a carpet cleaner, but someone that works with rugs specifically.
It’s unlikely you can 100% clean pee out of your rug, from your pet (or husband who had too much whisky last night). Especially considering when a dog uses the bathroom inside once, its likely they have before or will again. In which case theres probably more than you know about.
Hiring someone- Having someone that knows how to deal with pee in a rug, usually can remove all of the odor causing bacteria. The stain it leaves behind can sometimes be tricky, but the important thing is the bacteria comes out. Bacteria can cause a host of issues.
Knowing the age of the pee (because urines chemistry changes over time) can help a rug profession determine what to do. Also being able to identify if the pee is isolated to one spot or if there are secret spots you don’t know about can be helpful. We don’t worry if every single spot is identified, because the entire rug will get treated and washed. It does help to locate the problem areas though.
Doing nothing- Its your rug and you can clean it if you want too, or not. Just know that pee can turn create strong alkaloids that will cause colors to bleed, and even damage (actually it will create a chemical burn) the fiber permanently.
Doing it yourself- it’s possible and there are a lot of store bought “pet stain solutions” that will also cause damage. So the best route is to blot up the wetness with paper towels until nothing else comes out.
You bought your rug for a reason.
Maybe it ties the room together.
Maybe it has been in the family for a long time.
Either way, it’s your duty to keep it at its best.
The problem is, you can’t clean it yourself.