There are 2 types of soil a rug can hold. Dry soil and Soluble Soil. Whats the difference? Thats a very attractive question. This article will explain… kind of.
Dry Soil: dry soil is the kind of stuff that typically comes out with a vacuum. Dust, dander, sand.. things like this. Its in every rug and it allows the rug to do its job… Capture dry soil.
Rugs (and carpeting) have long been used (literally thousands of years) to trap dry-particulate soil and prevent it from becoming part of the air. With out this flooring, dry soil is easily stirred up, airborne and breathable (super gross). While normal vacuuming is essential to the longevity of your rug, it doesn’t always get the deeper embedded soils. You know the stuff that likes to hang out in the foundation, the “back of the bus” troubled kind of soils.
So, how do you get it out? Thats an even more better question. Theres good news and bad news: The bad news is… you don’t. The good news is WE do and, that is done through multiple different methods.
The answer is very simple. Dry soil makes wet soil. So, more wet soil makes the rug harder to clean, and takes longer to clean. The bigger problem with dry soil becoming wet soil is that dry soil bonds with the fibers when it gets wet, making it difficult to impossible to clean out.
Think about going in the back yard, filling your pocket with dirt, rubbing it around and then trying to wash all of that out from the outside of your pants.
Soluble soil is a little easier to explain.. unless you want to get all scientific and stuff. But, for the sake of not making your brain hurt, lets keep is simple.
Soluble soils are soils that can dissolve. Thats it. With the right chemistry, these types of oils will wash right out. However, they can not be removed any other way.
This is all your gross stuff, and one of the main reasons the rug looks dirty. It carries odor, grime, bacteria.. this is the stuff that can actually make you sick. The good news is that it is often visible.
Soluble soils: can only be removed by very specific chemical reactions, and is unhealthy and very gross.
Dry soils: can only be removed by mechanical actions, and will physically damage the fiber.
You bought your rug for a reason.
Maybe it ties the room together.
Maybe it has been in the family for a long time.
Either way, it’s your duty to keep it at its best.
The problem is, you can’t clean it yourself.